The Voice Archive and the slides at the OpenTech Summit 2015 about TinyBoy is now Available on the web. Voice Archive Slide OpenTech Summit 2015 is an event with talks and workshops about opensource software, open hardware, open technologies and
See you at COSCUP 2015, Taiwan
We are joining the Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association, Opensource Hong Kong and Hong Kong Linux User Group to attend to the largest opensource event in Taiwan, COSCUP 2015. We are going to give a talk about what we
TinyBoy Jamming
There are a number of makers in Hong Kong built their own TinyBoy since our design was fully published on February. We had a meeting with them on April. Thanks for their feedback and improvement. Their works are all published
TinyBoy Clone at Maker Faire Shenzhen, China
We are happy to see the TinyBoy Clone, MBox, in the Maker Faire Shenzhen. The company is from Harbin, China. But it is sadly that they didn’t credit on the TinyBoy Project. We had negotiated with them and they agreed